Friday 5 December 2014

Kingsley Okereke "Ada Mbano In London"

Kingsley Okereke is a Producer / Director made a got his first "pure-water" (Block-buster) movie in the "Ada Mbano" franchise. His casting of Queen Nwokoye was inspired. Rita Nzelu was phenomenal . The script was written by Kingsley's wife. Working with Kingsley was amazing.
Being the Executive producer, Producer and Director has great advantage. Kingsley could seamlessly merge SHOW and BUSINESS. On set he is very methodological. He only goes for the shots he requires, and only interrupts his Director of cinematography or actors when he feels it is absolutely necessary.
The key to his success is his trust in the talent he employs. Once he has chosen his team, he moves with military precision. Completely eliminating any unnecessary distraction. To be as precise as he is can only come from years of practice. He rose from the ranks as a production manager to producer.
Kingsley is a producer  / Director to watch out for. More grease to his elbow.
 Ada Mbano in London is on Iroko

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