Monday 20 April 2015

"Champagne " Movie premiere review

The Introduction of the film was classy. Then it drags. The introduction of Magid's character was appalling, and that was clearly not filmed in the US.
The story is lovely, but the delivery in some scenes is childish. Alex Ekubo is a good actor, Rosemary has a lovely back side, but not cute enough to carry the character she played (Her hair was a travesty). A few production baby mistakes I will not go into.
The movie is very commercial, the best scene for me is the "Proposal scene". That was a masterpiece. Then the psycho side of Mr Douglas (Played brilliantly by Majid) was revealed in a very interesting twist. Then the movie  drags again losing momentum. In a typical commercial movie climax, Alex the hero comes to rescue his bride.
The location and cinematography was exceptional, the sound was very bad in some areas, and where  they used voice-overs it  was  too obvious.
In summary, I LOVED THE MOVIE. I would recommend it. I actually sat through the movie and was intrigued. The "Twist" was a masterpiece. A wonderful story by Emem Isong.

Synopsis: A young couple couple (Alex Ekubo & Rosemary Zimu) who are in an Open marriage, date unsuspecting people mainly for money and perks until they bite off more than they can chew when they meet the enigmatic Mr. Douglas (expertly played by Majid Michel). A romantic thriller, the movie keeps you guessing till the very end.Shot in the cities of Johannesburg, South Africa and Houston Texas, U.S.A, ‘Champagne’ also stars Tana Adelana, Mbong Amata, Susan Peters, Padita Agu & Anita Chris. It was produced and directed by Emem Isong.

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