Monday 20 April 2015

"Living In Boundage" Start of the Nollywood Journey.

Living in Bondage, now considered a classic, was the first Nollywood 'blockbuster'. It sold over 500,000 copies in VHS tapes within weeks of its straight-to-video release. It marked the beginning of an industry that now produces over 1,000 movies a year.
The average Nollywood production costs about $15,000, has a one- or two-week shoot and sells between 25,000 and 50,000 copies at about £1.50 a copy.
Every so often a 'blockbuster' comes along that sells 500,000 copies. Production values have risen since Living in Bondage, but the single most popular theme is witchcraft and only a brave, or very foolish, director would tell a story where evil wasn't punished and good rewarded.
Fans would claim that the films deal with other pressing issues of contemporary African life: religion, family conflict and corruption, albeit routinely sensationalised.

- Source The Guardian

The film embedded here is courtesy of  Nollywood Classics

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